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ALCOTT embraces sport again and becomes the Official supporter of the Sicilian team. For the football season 2010/2011, the brand becomes tinged with the "fire-red of the Mount Etna and the sky blue", like the statute of Calcio Catania quotes.

The "Elephant" has been the good luck charm symbol of Calcio Catania since 1946, when the football club was founded. We hope it brings good luck to score together because "United shall never be defeated". As Alcott thinks, matches can be won only with a team play. This is not only valid for football matches!

ALCOTT, official supporter Calcio Catania


Rugby was played a lot in the '60s in Naples. However, over the last years, rugby has been becoming very popular again and today it is one of the most important sports. In order to reward rugby, ALCOTT has decided to be the sponsor of a young team of Campania.

ALCOTT Napoli Rugby rolls up its sleeves and plays important matches with 500 members (from under 5 to over 18 players), spreading its colours around Italy.

"Playing sport is the first step to build a healthy society" ALCOTT Napoli Rugby claims. The rules of fairness and team play are taught in the pitch and are enforced both by the young team and by ALCOTT brand.