Enzo Anselmo Ferrari was the founder of the Ferrari brand. He started his career as a test-driver and later became a successful race driver. In 1923, Ferrari won the first Circuito del Savio and met Count Baracca, father of the famous Italian First World War pilot Francesco Baracca. He later met Countess Baracca who gave him a signed photograph and invited him to use her son's Prancing Horse emblem as a mascot on his cars.
In 1924 Enzo Ferrari was made a Cavaliere (Knight) for his sporting achievements, his first official honour from the Italian state. Enzo was conferred with an Honorary Degree in Mechanical Engineering by Bologna University in 1960. The University of Modena confers Ferrari with an Honorary Degree in Physics in 1988. He died aged 90 on 14th August, 1988.
Enzo Ferrari was always able to look ahead, even in the most difficult situations. He realised his dream, pursuing it with determination and extraordinary passion, qualities that today are imbued in the men and women who work in the company that bears his name.