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What does Spring/Summer 2021 look like for denim? Meher Castelino turns to the Arvind Denim Lab for answers.

Denim is moving into new versions for Spring/Summer 2021, which will make this fabric once again one of the most sought after during the coming season. The three mood boards showcasing new trends will create a great addition in the wardrobes of the fashion forward connoisseurs.


The 3 Mood Boards – Sensation, Reflection and #LIT reveal the 3 versions of denim.

  • Sensation is all about hand feel, shaping, refined looks, multiple blends and premium stretches.
  • Reflection is the modern vintage look that offers comfort, stretches, voluminous effects as well as underlying sustainability.
  • #LIT is all about playful accents, that has youthful expression, splatter, mix and match, blocking and cropped ankle styles.

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