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Fashion Talk

Lana Marie Constantine

Creative Director
Ariella Fashions Ltd.

"Fashion is a statement and an expression of your personal image and everything seems to start younger these days. I think moderation is the key."

"Fashion is a statement and an expression of your personal image and everything seems to start younger these days. I think moderation is the key."

Fibre2Fashion: As creative director of such a big brand, you have to offer the best. How much of your time do you devote to business?

Lana Marie Constantine:

Being a family business, I am devoted to not only respecting the heritage of the company but in expanding it. The whole team works hard and our days are filled with time-sensitive deadlines. Our days are long and action packed but I speak for the whole company when I say it is all worth it when we see the end result.


F2F: You are fond of singing and were signed by Matthew Knowles. What kept you attached to the fashion industry?


I started singing young. It is still a big part of my life and personality. However, the fashion industry was alluring and came naturally to me, having grown up in it. Signing up with Matthew Knowles was a fantastic experience. Those memories are irreplaceable. However, I am happy with my decision to move into the fashion industry.

F2F: Which fabrics and colours are your first choice for customers?


Fashion is forever changing and yet repeats itself. So it is important to know when to stand by a winning fabric and design and when it is time to make a change. Each customer has a distinct style and we work consciously to advise and produce designs suitable to each customers handwriting. Its difficult to have a favourite colour and fabric as the seasons roll but at the moment, I am definitely a fan of delicate pastel shades.

F2F: Your label is only into making dresses and gowns. Did you ever think of designing other womenswear?


Ariella actually designs across the board, including knitwear, tailoring, daywear, eveningwear and special event wear. We are excited to have launched our concessions and there are other exciting things in the pipeline.

F2F: What are the trending hemlines for this season?


The peplum has transitioned from the waist to the hemline as well as the high low, both of which were seen in London Fashion Week. These seem to be oldies but goodies.

F2F: What are your thoughts about kids couture?


Why not!? Fashion is a statement and an expression of your personal image and everything seems to start younger these days. Moderation is the key.

F2F: How has the concept of eco-friendly and sustainable fashion changed the business for high street fashion brands?


In an age where we are so conscious of our carbon footprint, it is only fitting that what we wear should be accountable. Hopefully, we will continue to produce eco-friendly material.

F2F: How does Ariella Couture look at the Asian markets for business?


We respect all fashion influences and the Asian market exudes luxury in textured fabrics, laces and beautiful beadwork, all of which have been evident on recent catwalks. The Asian market is becoming increasingly important to the fashion industry and is showing no sign of slowing down in the coming seasons. The fashion industry will continue to push new boundaries and I believe the blend of different cultures and trends will play a large part. I am looking forward to the predicted trend of bright and colourful bursts with classic feminine detailing for the new season.

F2F: Is it true that the United Kingdom and the United States of America lead in the luxury wear market?


For a small country, I am proud of how the United Kingdom has held its position at the forefront of the fashion industry. We continually move forward.

Published on: 26/10/2013
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