Their signature collections include a modern interpretation of the Qi Pao, Mien O, Zhong Shan suit and Dao. Blanc de Chine works to reverse the stereotyped image of “Suzie Wong” relating to the Qi Pao and put it in its proper historical perspective. Their design of Qi Pao intends to dignify women, bringing out the subtlety, the inner beauty and the quiet elegance the woman.
The Mien O exemplifies the incorporation of the eight design aesthetics, thus making the garment both comfortable and functional. Blanc de Chine has essentially resurrected and modified the popularity of Mien O. Also, they are proud to be the trend-setter in making the Zhong Shan suit a serious modern day wear – be it an everyday wear or a formal evening dress. The Dao – the way of life and referring to the du dao (肚兜) – is a typical one piece, 2D Chinese fabric invented as an undergarment more than 2,000 years ago. Blanc de Chine explores the interplay between 2D and 3D. The concept emphasizes on going back to the basics.