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Swimwear Market to Slowdown

A recent report has come out with the assessment of likely impact of the slowdown in consumer spending on sales, of discretionary products like swimwear. This is one of the issues covered in a new...

Latest Denim Collections get Snazzier, Hipper

Recessionistas aren't giving up on fashion. And no wonder that the denim fever rages on this summer. With most brands in the denim jeans wear industry experiencing year-on-year growth, the latest...

High on Celebrity Quotient

The coveted event at the city of dreams, Lakme Fashion Week, concluded last month on positive note. The Stitch Times brings to you the glimpses of the designer wear industry that unveiled the...

Buying Behavior of Clothing buyers

Research and development in apparel industry is ongoing process. Every now and then, we encounter new developments, innovations, improvements in existing processes, which are in terms of fabric,...

Mother of the Bride Dresses- Top 5 Trends

Gone are the stodgy old ideas about how a Mother of the Bride should dress. Here are the top trends in Mother of the Bride Dresses that give us hope! 1) Bright Colors It used to be that Mother of ...

Is Eco Fashion Expensive?

Eco friendly clothing and accessories are always appreciable. But, the question is "How expensive are they when compared to conventional clothing?" Consumers of today are pretty much aware of...

Lingerie From Then Till Now

Let's begin with the word Lingerie itself. What does it mean? Where did it come from? The word itself is of French derivation and originally meant "linen goods". The actual word can be traced...

The Bride's Wedding Veil

The wedding veil is one of the most traditional bridal ensembles during weddings. It has been said that the wedding veil protected the bride from jealous spirits. It also symbolizes humility, because ...

Tankini, Bandini, or Thong, Oh My!

In 1946, Louis Reard, an engineer-and a Frenchman, of course! -fashioned a two-piece women's swimsuit from 30 inches of fabric. Reard's rival in bikini design, Jacques Helm, was actually the first to ...

Medieval Costumes Divulge Traditions of Medieval Period

The world has undergone through different periods and each period depicts its own culture, tradition and life-style. Although, presently people are living in the modern era yet it is always...

Indians are too enamoured of Hollywood. We can’t help it. We have been conditioned this way. The...
Posted by
Anurag Batra
Why do I ask if India can afford to miss the bus again? Because whether we like it or not, whether...
Posted by
Rahul Mehta
Is your business ready for Textiles 4.0? Before you can say, 'Yes', 'No', 'May be' or 'I don't...
Posted by
Aseem Prakash
Effective quality management starts with a quality policy. Effectiveness is the extent to which...
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Pradip Mehta
Luxury is a lifestyle, and fashion is just a minuscule part of it. Businesswise-the most visible or ...
Posted by
Abhay Gupta
The focus in research and development (R&D) is now more and more set on new sustainable products...
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Fanny Vermandel
Imagine a cricketer, once an exciting player but now aged 45, having put on oodles of weight, too...
Posted by
Rahul Mehta
A few years later, the same process is now taking place in textile printing, and this has never...
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Gabi Seligsohn
It was not very long ago that people who shopped online in India were considered 'ahead of time'....
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Arun Sirdeshmukh
A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey concluded that a majority of US companies are having...
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Bill D’Arienzo