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The Couture Client as Patron of the Art of Fashion

The period between the two world wars marked haute couture's golden age, with cosmopolitan women like Daisy Fellowes embodying fashion's theatricality. These sophisticated patrons influenced style,...

Colors Worn : Proportional to Your Fashion Sense

Colours play a crucial role in fashion, influencing how you’re perceived and boosting confidence. Wearing the right colours for seasons and occasions reflects your personality and fashion sense....

Lakme Fashion Week Summer / Resort 2012

The Lakme Fashion Week Summer/Resort 2012 showcased seven debuting designers, highlighting a shift in focus from commercial aspects to creative expression. As new designers emerge, they occupy spaces ...

Design a Line of Party Wear Garment by Using Nature as a Theme & Zodiac signs as an Inspiration

This study designed party wear inspired by nature and zodiac signs for college girls, creating 12 zodiac-themed cocktail dresses. Based on surveys, three designs per sign were made, and one per sign...

Enduring Fashion Inspiration III - Rome

Rome, known for its cultural and fashion influence, inspired clothing styles that reflected social status, gender, and occupation. Roman garments like tunics and togas, symbolizing citizenship, are...

Investigating Sources of Creativity in the UK Fashion Industry : A Resource-Based View

This study explores creativity in the UK fashion industry, focusing on the relationships between designer SMEs and high street retailers. It examines how resource availability impacts product...

The End of Old Luxury and the Rise of the New Paradigms of Fashion

The fashion industry is evolving, focusing on creativity, sustainability, and innovation. The future lies in blending ethics, aesthetics, sustainability, and talent. Drawing from the Italian...

Timeless High Fashion Trends

The world of fashion changes every day and often it is necessary to get rid of the old to make room for the new. Many influential factors influence changes in trends and it’s a rare instance,...

Enduring Fashion Inspiration II - Greece

Modern interpretation of ancient Greek costumes have an amazing,graceful look, and charm. Sheer, light and drapping Greek inspired outfits bring together the power of feminity. Greece is relatively a ...

Fashion for Men and Women : Sense and Nonsense

Fashion is a broad term that includes style, comfort, and trends, and it varies widely by age, geography, race, and culture. For instance, a rural Indian woman may find embroidered saris fashionable, ...

Why do I ask if India can afford to miss the bus again? Because whether we like it or not, whether...
Posted by
Rahul Mehta
The focus in research and development (R&D) is now more and more set on new sustainable products...
Posted by
Fanny Vermandel
A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey concluded that a majority of US companies are having...
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Bill D’Arienzo
Effective quality management starts with a quality policy. Effectiveness is the extent to which...
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Pradip Mehta
Luxury is a lifestyle, and fashion is just a minuscule part of it. Businesswise-the most visible or ...
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Abhay Gupta
Is your business ready for Textiles 4.0? Before you can say, 'Yes', 'No', 'May be' or 'I don't...
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Aseem Prakash
It was not very long ago that people who shopped online in India were considered 'ahead of time'....
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Arun Sirdeshmukh
Imagine a cricketer, once an exciting player but now aged 45, having put on oodles of weight, too...
Posted by
Rahul Mehta
A few years later, the same process is now taking place in textile printing, and this has never...
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Gabi Seligsohn
Indians are too enamoured of Hollywood. We can’t help it. We have been conditioned this way. The...
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Anurag Batra