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COVID 19: A Wake-Up Call for the Fashion Industry
COVID 19: A Wake-Up Call for the Fashion Industry

The post-Covid19 world will be a different world with many new 'normals' and give the fashion industry another chance to adapt itself. Historically, the fashion industry has overcome many big crises...

Distress, Bankruptcy hit Apparel brands
Distress, Bankruptcy hit Apparel brands

A crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind, says a Chinese proverb. The covid-19 pandemic seems to be a crisis of that kind that has devastated economies and businesses worldwide. The...

Can luxury fashion rebound?
Can luxury fashion rebound?

The future of luxury fashion, possibly much less affected than other segments, lies in how they orient themselves in the near future. There can be five comeback strategies. The coronavirus impact...

United Kingdom Is Ruling The Apparel And Fashion World. Here’s How
United Kingdom Is Ruling The Apparel And Fashion World. Here’s How

Today, the UK textile industry holds 6 percent market share only in the fashion sector. The domestic market value of the UK fashion industry in Approximate 66 Million Pounds. Total household clothing ...

10 #WorkFromHome Fashion Tips
10 #WorkFromHome Fashion Tips

Workwear for ‘stay at home’ scenario should be about not just comfort and ease, but also poise and chic. This is a tricky, yet an achievable, goal. Devender Kharb offers tips to ladies on choosing...

Millennials & Gen Z: The impact of true digital natives
Millennials & Gen Z: The impact of true digital natives

This is an extract from the book The Incredible Indian Luxury Bazaar by ABHAY GUPTA. The book analyses the Indian luxury space, its consumers, challenges, solutions and more. Millennial (Gen Y) and...

Fashion for the Masses
Fashion for the Masses

When mass production gives way to mass customisation, the result would be minimal waste. The latter, therefore, would be a sustainable approach. The garment industry is experiencing a digital wave....

‘Reshape' fashion learning
‘Reshape' fashion learning

Learning in the time of covid-19 is about upskilling, unlearning, and looking at everyday practices through a new lens. Fashion institutions need to adapt, re-align, rediscover and invent...

Top 5 Luxurious Brands Shaping the Denim Industry
Top 5 Luxurious Brands Shaping the Denim Industry

No matter what’s the occasion, denim is all-set to catch the eyeballs with countless styles.  Denim has always ruled the fashion industry like no other fabric. However, jeans weren’t still the...

Italy overview: Ready for Resurrection
Italy overview: Ready for Resurrection

The coronavirus pandemic has ravaged the Italian landscape; the toll on human life has been devastating, and the trauma cannot simply go away. Italy is home to countless fashion brands; it also has a ...

It was not very long ago that people who shopped online in India were considered 'ahead of time'....
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Arun Sirdeshmukh
Imagine a cricketer, once an exciting player but now aged 45, having put on oodles of weight, too...
Posted by
Rahul Mehta
A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey concluded that a majority of US companies are having...
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Bill D’Arienzo
The focus in research and development (R&D) is now more and more set on new sustainable products...
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Fanny Vermandel
Indians are too enamoured of Hollywood. We can’t help it. We have been conditioned this way. The...
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Anurag Batra
Effective quality management starts with a quality policy. Effectiveness is the extent to which...
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Pradip Mehta
Is your business ready for Textiles 4.0? Before you can say, 'Yes', 'No', 'May be' or 'I don't...
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Aseem Prakash
Why do I ask if India can afford to miss the bus again? Because whether we like it or not, whether...
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Rahul Mehta
Luxury is a lifestyle, and fashion is just a minuscule part of it. Businesswise-the most visible or ...
Posted by
Abhay Gupta
A few years later, the same process is now taking place in textile printing, and this has never...
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Gabi Seligsohn