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A Study on Effect of Enzymatic Pretreatment on Physio-Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Carpet Woolen Yarn

Rising environment awareness promotes the development of alternative procedures and processing in many branches of industry. Also in the textile industry residual substances arrive from processing...

Ideas on Silk Ties

A professional look promotes credibility, respect, and ultimately, success A tie is a great finishing piece. It’s an accessory that, for lack of a better term, ties a suit together. Ties have been a...

A Look at the Years of Celebrities Wearing Jewelry

As far back as one can remember famous celebrities have been wearing the jewelry made by famous jewelry designers. Through out many eras and many styles the celebrities and jewelry designers have...

The Single Most Powerful Internet Marketing Technique

There are many ways to market your online business and it can be very difficult weeding through what does and does not work. Internet marketers spend much time setting-up websites, finding good...

Review of Nigerian Textiles Industry

Milieu: Albeit conventional textiles manufacturing is some hundreds of years old diligence, engaged in by Nigerians focusing on the textiles production of a wider range, hardly some five decades ago...

Choose Baby Bedding Wisely

Every adorable baby deserves equally adorable baby bedding to complete the nursery. There are other things to consider when deciding on what is right for the nursery. Bedding for your baby must be...

How to Avoid "Wardrobe Weariness"

Who hasn"t had a moment like this? You"ve looked in your closet, and even though you have blouses and skirts and slacks and dresses doubled up on hangers that are packed so tightly you can"t slip a...

Your Brand is Your Promise! (So What Are You Promising?)

When people mention the word "brand" they usually mean a well known, well defined company. That"s why consumers frequently mention names such as Target, Rolex, Apple, BMW and others who have done an...

This Autumn"s Footwear Fashion; Platforms and Booties!

Sarah Jessica Parker famously made Manolo Blahnik a household name in Sex and the City. However, long before the erstwhile Carrie Bradshaw and her girlfriends made the legendary shoe designer a...

Scarf Scenarios, Be Ahead of the Game

Scarves are the must have fashion accessory of this season. In this article we"ll give a few scenarios in which you might consider wearing a scarf found at: Fashion Scarves and Shawls and what it can ...

Luxury is a lifestyle, and fashion is just a minuscule part of it. Businesswise-the most visible or ...
Posted by
Abhay Gupta
Indians are too enamoured of Hollywood. We can’t help it. We have been conditioned this way. The...
Posted by
Anurag Batra
A few years later, the same process is now taking place in textile printing, and this has never...
Posted by
Gabi Seligsohn
It was not very long ago that people who shopped online in India were considered 'ahead of time'....
Posted by
Arun Sirdeshmukh
Effective quality management starts with a quality policy. Effectiveness is the extent to which...
Posted by
Pradip Mehta
Is your business ready for Textiles 4.0? Before you can say, 'Yes', 'No', 'May be' or 'I don't...
Posted by
Aseem Prakash
The focus in research and development (R&D) is now more and more set on new sustainable products...
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Fanny Vermandel
Imagine a cricketer, once an exciting player but now aged 45, having put on oodles of weight, too...
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Rahul Mehta
Why do I ask if India can afford to miss the bus again? Because whether we like it or not, whether...
Posted by
Rahul Mehta
A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey concluded that a majority of US companies are having...
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Bill D’Arienzo