Women have always been considered as a fashion statement. And no doubt they do fulfill this criterion. Distinguished fashions and accessories mark different ages.
Women have always been considered as a fashion statement. And no doubt they do fulfill this criterion. Distinguished fashions and accessories mark different ages.
Right about now, you"ve made the discovery that if you intend to push your company beyond its current plateau, you will have to change the way you relate to your work. You have doubtlessly concluded...
Since the advent of the three major synthetic fibres i.e. Nylon in 1938 followed by Polyester and Acrylics in the 1950’s, man-made synthetic fibres have been consistently developed and grown in...
Jeans are often considered as classics. Almost everyone, from toddlers to the elderly own at least a pair of jeans. Men used jeans as their classic uniform for years, while women often take the...
The strategies of the world are changing direction as a result of the innovative developments and technological evolutions. This change in the scenario has put lot of thrust on R & D activities to...
You"ve just returned from a wonderful picnic in the park. You start to unpack and you notice that your brand new tote bag has a tear in it. A month later, when the tear becomes a hole, you"ll have to ...
Most brides can quickly end up spending thousands of dollars for one special day in their life. This is fin and you want everything to be the absolutely magical for your wedding. However if there are ...
Computer image analysis techniques used for identifying textile products, especially linear textile products, are presented in this paper, together with a brief review of the historical development...
Quilting is an ancient activity, present in many cultures and each of these cultures influencing its development and particularity through time. The quilts became the expression of their maker"s...
It may come as a shock to those of us with more traditional tastes, but the elusive ideal of "class" can be achieved through unusual ensembles - such as those which combine diamonds and denim.