RFID is the short form of “Radio Frequency Identification”. It is the generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identifies people or objects. The basic RFID technology...
RFID is the short form of “Radio Frequency Identification”. It is the generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identifies people or objects. The basic RFID technology...
The fashion world is a constantly changing place that serves as a revolving door for the hottest fashion designers. Fashionistas strive to stay on top of the fashion world...
The new millennium working Indian woman definitely needs to appear right, feel right & deliver right. With the incredible rise of MNC’s & working women in India, there definitely is a great need for...
Two things are needed to produce silk, silkworms and a supply of food for them, which is exclusively mulberry leaves. They seem to prefer the white mulberry, but the black mulberry variety has been...
Considering their features and capabilities B2B marketplaces are still quite underused. However, the trend is changing and many companies started to realize the immense potential these promising...
A fundamental change in the global and textile industries took place on 1 January 2005, when the global quantitative quotas were abolished. International retail buyers are now able...
Why do so many businesses fail to establish effective teamwork? After all, most business leaders talk about teamwork, scores of books have been written about teamwork...
Everyone knows that China is known for its manual labor. I mean, you really can’t blame those huge designer clothing companies for choosing China as a place to produce their clothing. Its SO MUCH...
If we were to take an unscripted took throughout history – looking at pictures that were not identified by year or event – we could still more than likely place the period of time by the fashion worn ...
The textile industry occupies a unique place in our country. After China, India is the second most preferred textile destination. Our major advantages in textile, overcoming china are easy...