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Plus size denim jeans a style and fit guide

The right pair of denim jeans may be the single most important piece of clothing in your wardrobe and will without a doubt be the most versatile piece in your collection. Plus size denim lines are...

Corporate apparel

The right kind of clothing on the employees is the first and most powerful impression creator for clients and associates alike. That is the reason why corporate apparel is also known as power...

Fashion jewelry - Enhance your personality

In today's world, everybody knows personality is the key to fame and success. From clothes to customized shoes, people love to look unique and beautiful. And in this fashion conscious world, everyone ...

Redesigning your style

If you cannot remember when was the last time you went out shopping for clothes due to your limited budget, perhaps there is a solution for you not to feel "out of fashion" anymore. Garnishing and...

Stylish women's clothing

Clothing was initially a tool to protect mankind from the harsh environment and extreme weathers. Today, man and women alike are still expected to be fully and presentably dressed, though in certain...

Why so many people are crazy about the casual wear from American eagle

If you ever have worked at American Eagle then you know the benefits you get when you are currently a worker there. You can get anything from 25 to 50% off of items in the store and most likely get...

The latest fashionable styles are not just for people with perfect model bodies

Everyone has their own favorite television and movie stars that they keep up with on a regular basis. I know when I was a kid growing up Arnold Schwarzenegger was like an idol to me and I would often ...

Fashion with interesting recycled objects

Ever thought of wearing something made out of recycled objects - specifically of recycled inkjet cartridges, recycled printers and recycled paper? If you think doing this sounds too outrageous, think ...

Leather's back on the fashion radar

Leather comes back on the fashion radar at least every other winter (except of course, at Stella McCartney who takes a political stance on such matters). This is vaguely baffling, considering the...

One size does not fit all - Keeping up with fashion trends for all sizes

If you were to ask a hundred people if there was something they would like to change about their body almost all of them would say yes. As a matter of fact the vast majority of people would probably...

Effective quality management starts with a quality policy. Effectiveness is the extent to which...
Posted by
Pradip Mehta
Imagine a cricketer, once an exciting player but now aged 45, having put on oodles of weight, too...
Posted by
Rahul Mehta
Luxury is a lifestyle, and fashion is just a minuscule part of it. Businesswise-the most visible or ...
Posted by
Abhay Gupta
Why do I ask if India can afford to miss the bus again? Because whether we like it or not, whether...
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Rahul Mehta
Is your business ready for Textiles 4.0? Before you can say, 'Yes', 'No', 'May be' or 'I don't...
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Aseem Prakash
The focus in research and development (R&D) is now more and more set on new sustainable products...
Posted by
Fanny Vermandel
A few years later, the same process is now taking place in textile printing, and this has never...
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Gabi Seligsohn
A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey concluded that a majority of US companies are having...
Posted by
Bill D’Arienzo
It was not very long ago that people who shopped online in India were considered 'ahead of time'....
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Arun Sirdeshmukh
Indians are too enamoured of Hollywood. We can’t help it. We have been conditioned this way. The...
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Anurag Batra