Directed by Fred & Nick, known for their work on music videos, documentaries and commercials, Dr. Martens latest campaign films capture four characters - a unit, a family, a shared experience: one night under the city.
Each character in the story presents certain products, and embodies it through both their attitude and styling. Alice, Henry, Billie and Gwilym are all brand ambassadors and wear their Dr. Martens with pride.
Film 1: Alice (Representing the Reinvented range of products)
Alice’s style and attitude is innately DM’s and recklessly re-invented: her emotion is one of pure individuality and detachment from convection.
Film 2: Henry (Representing the Rugged range of products)
Henry’s film is a change of pace. Inquisitive and confident, he doesn’t need a fanfare.
Film 3: Billie (Representing the Casual range of products)
Never in your face, Billie’s film is the softer gentle cousin to Alice’s.
Film 4: Gwilym (Representing the Originals range of products)
A true original. Embodying the style and refinement of the 1460 boot- The eternal observer.