For the past three years Dorothy Perkins has supported Breast Cancer Care, during which it's raised a huge amount for people affected by breast cancer. In 2007, Dorothy Perkins formed a partnership with the Woodland Trust, and since then has raised enough to plant over 100,000 trees in the UK.
Social Policy
The brand takes great care that goods at Dorothy Perkins are produced:
- lawfully, through fair and honest dealing;
- without exploiting the people who make them;
- in decent working conditions; and
- without damaging the environment.
This code applies to the manufacturer or any other person involved in supplying goods to the company. The code is backed up by a process of self-evaluation and independent inspections to make sure suppliers keep to it. The code is also designed to be fair, achievable, and easy to check, and to promote the ongoing development of suppliers. It is based on International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and recommendations.