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Laura Ashley is highly aware of its corporate social responsibilities towards environment and other stakeholders. Early examples of Laura Ashley's concern for environmental issues are:

  • Surplus dyes from the previous day’s production were remixed to give dyes used in the next day's production.
  • When Laura discovered that waste fabric was being burned, it was decided to sell the remnant fabrics. This became so popular that on delivery day customers would fight wildly for bags of them. Other scraps were sold as patchwork material.
  • When the design for a garden overall made out of cotton drill came about, wastage from the scoop neck provided enough fabric for oven gloves, which gratified Laura's 'never waste' philosophy.

More recently the company has been looking at ways to improve the company environmental performance. For instance, they started producing environmental reports covering various activities of manufacturing, distribution and retailing operations.

Laura Ashley is a member of the FTSE4Good.