About the Brand History Collection Line Mango Board of Administration The Product Characteristics Corporate Social Responsibility
Code of Ethics and Values National and International Expansion Environmental Management Policy and System

As mentioned above, the Group’s Code of Ethics is based on a series of essential values and policies set down in their organization, together with other aspects and principles of reference. The contents of the code are set out below:

Values and policy

In order to achieve the company’s objectives, they must combine enthusiasm, creativity and continuous education with the organization’s established values:

  • Harmony (as the opposite of conflict, etc.)
  • Humility (as the opposite of high-handedness, arrogance, pride, etc.)
  • Human warmth (as the opposite of indifference, bitterness, etc.)
  • These values are displayed in all their facilities as a reflection of their commitment to them.
  • In order for the work to be successful at the heart of their organization, they must also observe the following aspects, which complement the values set out above:
  • Honesty and mutual respect.
  • Perseverance, responsibility and spirit of cooperation.

Ethical Principles of the Mango Group:

1. The Mango group makes a commitment to develop all business operations and activities within an ethical framework. They understand business ethics to refer to a moral, correct and reasonable attitude to all business decisions or actions, always within the applicable legal framework.

2. The Mango group makes a commitment to carry out all of its working relationship within a framework of fairness, and to defend, at all times, the basic rights and principles of individuals. Therefore, the Mango organization:

  • Will not employ anybody who is below the legal working age and will not use any type of forced or compulsory labour.
  • Will guarantee that its employees carry out their work in safe, healthy environments.
  • The employees will have the right to association and recognition of collective bargaining.
  • Will not permit any type of discrimination of its employees for reasons of race, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, political association, or affiliation.
  • Will not permit any type of physical or psychic disciplinary methods as well as any form of harassment or physical or psychological abuse.
  • Will ensure that the salary received by the employees complies with the job carried out and current legislation as well as with the hours worked.

3. The Mango group undertakes to respect the environment while it conducts all of its business.

4. The Mango group undertakes to offer all its customers a standard of excellence in all its products, and ensure that they do not involve risks for their health or safety.

5. The Mango group undertakes to collaborate, promote and work with all social groups, at local, national and international levels, in the societies in which its business is conducted.