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Loriblu collections are available at flagship stores in Paris, Milan, Rome, Venice, Forte dei Marmi, Porto Rotondo, Bari, Montecatini Terme, S.Benedetto del Tronto, Dubai, Doha, Kuwait City, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Khabarovsk, Kiev, Grodno, in the best boutiques in Italy and abroad and online.

LORIBLU strengthened its retail strategy by opening important stores in Italy and abroad. At the moment LORIBLU boutiques are 17 (8 in Italy and 9 abroad): Rome, Milan, Venice, Porto Rotondo, Forte Dei Marmi, Bari, Montecatini Terme, San Benedetto Del Tronto, Pari, Dubai, Doha, Kuwait City, S.Petersburg, Moscow, Khabarovsk, Kiev, Grodno. Retail strategy will continue in 2013‐2014 with new openings in Italy and abroad. Loriblu is also distributed worldwide in the best shops.