The IZOD story begins in London, where talented tailor, Arthur James "Jack" IZOD, opened the first A.J. IZOD store in London's West End in 1922, selling fine shirts, ties, hosiery and sportswear. In 1930, Edward, The Prince of Wales, was so impressed with Jack's apparel that he commissioned him to make shirts for the royal household. While in London, a United States executive from the clothing company David Crystal, Inc. became intrigued by the IZOD name that he purchased the rights to it. The IZOD brand was launched by David Crystal, Inc. in the United States in 1937.
Throughout second half of the 20th century, the IZOD polo became synonymous with the preppy look and lifestyle. Students made the polo part of their everyday uniform and made it their own by layering colors and popping the collars. The IZOD line has grown significantly beyond the signature polo, comprising a wide range of sportswear, golfwear and accessories.