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The Foundation - “Helping young people realise their dreams through the power of their creativity”

The Burberry Foundation is a philanthropic organization dedicated to supporting young people, helping them to realize their full potential and thrive in the world they are inheriting. Through generous donations from Burberry employees and customers, the Foundation has inspired over 44,000 young people globally. It was accomplished by combining financial support with the enormous creativity, knowledge and dedication of Burberry employees. Established in 2008, the Burberry Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales.

Just as Burberry clothed and encouraged past explorers, the Burberry Foundation helps young people navigate the uncertain terrain of their age and the complex world in which we live today. By helping them to develop new skills, confidence and ambition, the Burberry Foundation aims to kindle their innate creativity and empower them to realise their dreams.

Fundraising Priorities
The Burberry Foundation's grant making is focused on supporting innovative programmes and building sustainable partnerships with charitable organizations that help young people to:

  • Develop creative confidence and self-esteem
  • Build connections with their families, friends and society
  • Increase their ability to reach for opportunities in school, life and work

In considering requests for support, the brand gives preference to projects that:

  • Are located in a community where Burberry employees live and work
  • Are managed competently with accountability, cost effectiveness, strong leadership and creativity
  • Provide a significant and measurable impact
  • Have built in long-term sustainability
  • Have the potential to offer volunteering opportunities for Burberry employees