Since the production of the brand's goods predominantly takes place in developing and emerging countries, the need to ensure and monitor compliance with international standards plays an important role in the Brand.
They take every responsibility for humane working conditions very seriously. This is why they are clearly committed to their joint responsibility in enforcing working and social standards of their suppliers. Specifically, the measures they adopt include the following.
Their Code of Conduct (CoC) comprises all core working standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) as well as the prohibition of child and forced labor, commitments to safe and healthy working conditions, payment of fair wages, compliance with statutory working time regulations, prohibition of discrimination and support of organizational and tariff negotiating freedom. This Code must be signed by all their suppliers and business associates and is part and parcel of the contracts concluded by them.
They are an active member of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). The BSCI is a Europe-wide initiative of retail organizations that have joined forces to push through a uniform monitoring system among their suppliers. Within the scope of their BSCI membership, they arrange for external audits to be performed by accredited auditors. |