Gap inc. has received many awards for its contribution to breast cancer research along with other management and design awards. Some of them are as listed below:




100 Companies with Conscience 2006

Gap Inc. ranked #53 in a Universum survey of 4,996 MBA candidates to determine the most socially responsible companies. Universum USA is a Philadelphia-based consulting firm specializing in employer branding.

Audit Integrity Top 100 2007

Research firm Audit Integrity included Gap Inc. on its Top 100 list (PDF). The list recognizes companies that demonstrate a high level of integrity in financial reporting and governance, and when dealing with shareholders. Audit Integrity selected the Top 100 from more than 8,000 companies. The rankings are based on a set of rules that monitor transparent accounting, fair and reasonable management compensation, and other qualities that measure the character of a company.

Business Ethics Awards: Social Reporting Award 2004

Gap Inc. recognized in the 16th annual Business Ethics Awards "for taking social reporting a quantum step forward by risking unprecedented honesty in reporting on factory conditions."

CAREERS & the disABLED Magazine: Top 50 Employers of People with Disabilities 2006

Readers of CAREERS & the disABLED Magazine were asked to name the employers, both in the private and public sectors, for whom they would most like to work or that they believe would provide a progressive environment for people with disabilities. Gap Inc. ranked #24 on the list of top 50 employers of people with disabilities.

Center for Accessible Technology's (CforAT) Accessibility Award 2008

Gap Inc. Direct (GID) was recognized for its efforts to improve Web accessibility for individuals with disabilities at the 2008 Annual California Digital Inclusion Celebration. GID has partnered with the Center for Accessible Technology (CforAT) to conduct ongoing accessibility testing in order to improve our sites for vision impaired users. In 2005, GID introduced BPR, or Business Process Re-engineering, a project in which the company updated its software infrastructure across all of its e-commerce sites. Ever since, GID has made it a priority to provide a seamless, accessible online shopping experience to blind and low-vision customers.

Ceres-ACCA Commendation for Social Reporting 2007

Gap Inc. was honored with a “Commendation for Continued Excellence in Social Reporting” by the Ceres-ACCA North American Awards for Sustainability Reporting 2007 for its 2006 performance. Gap Inc. was also honored in 2005 for its 2004 performance. The aim of the award is to encourage better reporting on sustainability – economic, environmental and social – performance by corporations and other organizations across the United States, Canada and Mexico; reward best practices and provide guidance to other entities that are publishing or intend to publish sustainability, environmental and/or social reports, and increase accountability for impacts and responsiveness to stakeholders. Ceres is a coalition of 85 environmental, investor, labor and advocacy groups working together to increase corporate responsibility worldwide. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is the largest and fastest-growing international accountancy body.

Climate Counts 2008

Gap Inc. received a 42 out of 100 points – and is ranked among the top three Bay Area companies on climate change.

Corporate Community Involvement Award (Honorable Mention) 2007

The Corporate Community Involvement Award, established in 1992 by The Volunteer Center, is awarded to a Bay Area business that operates an outstanding employee involvement program.

CRO Magazine “100 Best Corporate Citizens” 2009

Gap Inc. ranked 1st amongst its retail peers in CRO magazine’s “100 Best Corporate Citizens” list in 2009. The list was was developed by Business Ethics magazine, which was incorporated in 2006 into The CRO, a membership organization for Corporate Responsibility Officers. The companies considered for the list include U.S. firms in the Russell 1000, the S&P 500, and the Domini 400 Social Index. These firms are ranked on service in eight stakeholder categories: shareholders, community, governance, diversity, employees, environment, human rights, and product. Social scores use KLD’s assessment of “strengths” and “concerns” demonstrated in each category. The shareholder score is based on three-year average total return (stock appreciation plus dividends) through year-end 2006.

Ethical Trading Action Group (ETAG) Transparency Report Card: "Revealing Clothing" Report 2006

Gap Inc. ranked fourth among 31 apparel retailers, scoring 71 out of a possible 100 points. The "Revealing Clothing Report" is a survey of labour standards reporting by retailers and brands selling clothes in the Canadian market.
The Ethical Trading Action Group (ETAG) is a Canadian coalition of faith, labour, teacher and non-governmental organizations advocating for government policies, voluntary codes of conduct and ethical purchasing policies that promote humane labour practices based on accepted international labour standards.

Ethisphere Council: "50 Codes of Conduct Benchmarked" 2007 The Ethisphere Council gave Gap Inc.'s Code of Business Conduct an 'A' grade – the only retail company to receive this grade. The Ethisphere Council is an exclusive group of leaders and practitioners who are raising the visibility of ethics and compliance and improving upon current methodologies. The Council includes not only General Counsels, but also compliance, ethics, legal and finance professionals committed to excellent corporate governance.
Ethisphere Magazine's 2007 World’s Most Ethical Companies 2009
Gap Inc. was chosen by Ethisphere Magazine as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies in recognition of the company’s commitment to ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility.  Thousands of companies were examined and less than 100 were selected. In addition, the Ethisphere Council gave Gap Inc.’s Code of Business Conduct an ‘A’ grade – the only retail company to receive this grade. The Ethisphere Council is an exclusive group of leaders and practitioners who are raising the visibility of ethics and compliance and improving upon current methodologies. The Council includes not only General Counsels, but also compliance, ethics, legal and finance professionals committed to excellent corporate governance.
Fortune Magazine's "America's Most Admired Companies" 2007
Gap Inc. ranked 7th among specialty retailers in Fortune Magazine's list of America's Most Admired Companies. 
 Fortune Magazine's "100 Most Desirable MBA Employers" 2008   Gap Inc. ranked #59 in Fortune's annual Most Desirable MBA Employers survey.
Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria 2007 Gap Inc. was commended at the Sixth Annual Business Excellence Awards gala in the category of Core Competency for its efforts in the business fight against AIDS through (PRODUCT) RED.
Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index 2009
Gap Inc. achieved 100 percent on The Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index -- a tool to rate major corporations on their treatment of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees, consumers and investors.
Human Rights Campaign’s Best Places to Work 2009
Gap Inc. earned the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's "Best Places to Work for GLBT Equality" seal, which denotes America’s best companies for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) workers. The seal is given to companies who score a perfect 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index which measures policies and practices implemented to promote fairness and equality in the workplace for GLBT employees.
Institutional Investor: America’s Most Shareholder Friendly Companies 2006 Institutional Investor ranked Gap Inc. third in an annual ranking of America’s Most Shareholder Friendly Companies in the Retailing/Specialty Stores category in 2006. Gap Inc. CFO Byron Pollitt also ranked third in a ranking of America’s Best CFO’s in Retailing/Specialty Stores in 2006.
Labour Behind the Label Report: "Let's Clean Up Fashion: the state of pay behind the UK high street" 2006
Gap Inc. was a top-rated company among 37 UK retailers evaluated for the Labour Behind the Label's 2006 report.  In LBL's 2007 update, Gap Inc. was rated favorably again.
Maclean's Magazine Top 50 Socially Responsible Corporations 2009 Gap Inc. was recognized by Maclean's Magazine as one of the Top 50 Most Socially Responsible Corporations based on an analysis by Jantzi Research Company.
Morningstar Stocks 500 Report 2007 Gap Inc. maintained an "A" rating (on an A-F) scale for stewardship (corporate governance). The report cites the company's annual Board of Directors elections, sufficient independence, and relevant retail and consumer experience. It also cites the fact that the company's executive and board compensation is disclosed in high detail.
NAFE Top 30 Companies for Executive Women 2007
Gap Inc. was named as one of the top 30 companies for executive women in the National Association for Female Executives' (NAFE’s) 2007 survey. Gap Inc. was also ranked in the top 30 in 2005 and 2006. The National Association for Female Executives (NAFE), one of the largest women’s professional association and the largest women business owners’ organization in the country, provides resources and services to empower its members to achieve career success and financial security.
PBWC Pacesetter Award 2006
Gap Inc. received the fifth annual Professional Business Women of California (PBWC) Pacesetter Award for supporting the advancement of women in the workplace. Gap Inc. ranked fourth among the top 10 companies. PBWC Pacesetter Award winners were selected from the 50 largest public companies in the nine San Francisco Bay Area counties that embody the mission of the PBWC and that work to advance women.Gap Inc. was commended at the Sixth Annual Business Excellence Awards gala held by the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the category of Core Competency for its efforts in the business fight against AIDS through (PRODUCT) RED.
PR News Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2008
Monica Oberkofler, Director, Social Responsibility was recognized as 'CSR Communicator of the Year" in 2008. Gap Inc.'s 2004 Social Responsibility Report: "Facing Challenges, Finding Opportunities" was the winner of PR News' CSR Awards. This category recognizes outstanding CSR and sustainability reports for shareholders and other key constituents. The award is sponsored by PR News, Cone, CSRWire, flag and Georgetown University.
San Francisco Business Times: Most Influential Women in the Bay Area 2007
Marka Hansen (president, Gap North America), Eva Sage-Gavin (executive vice president, Human Resources, Communications and Global Responsibility), Bobbi Silten (chief foundation officer, Gap Inc.) and Michelle Banks (senior vice president, general counsel, corporate secretary and chief compliance officer, Gap Inc.) were all featured on the San Francisco Business Times' list of Most Influential Women in the Bay Area for 2009. The list celebrates Bay Area women who were cited by their peers and others as the most influential in our business community. The women were chosen based on their high-ranking positions in mostly large companies, and because they are exceptional leaders and role models with a wide range of influence in their industries and the community.
San Francisco Business Times: Top Corporate Philanthropists in the Greater Bay Area 2009
Gap Inc. ranked 19th on the San Francisco Business Times annual top corporate philanthropists in the greater Bay Area list for 2009. The ranking is based on total cash contributions paid to Bay Area-based charities in 2007.
SustainAbility "Top 50 Global Reporters" 2006
Gap Inc. ranked 34th in SustainAbility’s biennial Survey of Corporate Sustainability Reporting based on Gap Inc.’s 2004 Social Responsibility report, and is one of only five U.S. companies on the list. Established in 1987, SustainAbility advises clients on the risks and opportunities associated with corporate responsibility and sustainable development. Gap Inc. ranked 48th in the 2004 survey based on the 2003 Social Responsibility report. 
Top MBA Employers for Women 2006 Gap Inc. ranked as a top employer for female MBA candidates. The Universum survey looks at approximately 5,000 currently enrolled MBA students at top-rated schools throughout the U.S.; approximately 35 percent are female. The survey ranked companies based on where MBA candidates say they’d most like to work. Universum USA is a Philadelphia-based consulting firm specializing is employer branding.
University of California at Davis Study of California Women Business Leaders 2007
Gap Inc. ranked eighth out of the top 25 companies in the University of California at Davis’ (UC Davis’) annual census of women directors and executive officers. The second annual "UC Davis Study of California Women Business Leaders: A Census of Women Directors and Executive Officers” is published by the UC Davis Graduate School of Management's Center for Women and Leadership in partnership with the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs and Executives. The study details the presence of women at the very top of the 400 largest publicly held corporations headquartered in the state. Gap Inc. ranked 14th in the 2005 census.
Universum: 10 Most Ideal Employers for Undergraduates 2007
Gap Inc. was chosen as one of the top 10 most ideal employers for undergraduates interested in the fashion, apparel and retail sector. Gap Inc. was cited for its Retail Management and Manager in Training Programs, as well as its MBA internship program. The list was compiled based on a survey of more than 44,000 undergraduates within the U.S. Gap Inc. ranked #8 in 2008 and #2 in 2007.
U.S. Secretary of Labor's New Freedom Initiative Award 2007 Gap Inc. received the Secretary of Labor’s New Freedom Initiative Award for its support of Founders' Award winner Tina Petallides-Markou and her work with Abilities Inc. Gap Inc. was one of seven award recipients in 2007. The award recognizes non-profits, small businesses, corporations and individuals that have demonstrated exemplary and innovative efforts in furthering the employment and workplace environment for people with disabilities, a goal of President Bush's New Freedom Initiative.
Women's Wear Daily Exec Tech Community Service Award 2006 Gap Inc. recognized for our involvement with (PRODUCT) RED. "Collaboration emerged as a central theme among the 2006 winners of the WWD Exec Tech Community Service Awards. Each of the seven companies found new ways to partner with other organizations to serve communities. Giorgio Armani, Converse and Gap joined an unprecedented cross-branding campaign to fight AIDS."
Women's Wear Daily 2009 Gap Inc. was ranked one of the top Ideal Employers chosen by undergraduates interested in the fashion, retail and apparel sector.